Thursday, April 30, 2020

A Crab Feast

Lucky me! My son Mike, brought me a 16-ounce container of crab meat. He knows how much I love crab. I've been known to sit at the table picking and eating crab and drinking a bit of wine for hours. I could be by myself but it is even better if I am sitting with some other people just picking, eating, drinking, and talking. A crab feast was something Ned and I loved to do when we could find nice fat gulf coast crabs. Although I've seen crabs in markets in San Miguel, they weren't lively. I did not buy them. Now that I have crab, I wanted to savor it so I spread it out over three dinners.

The first night was a salad with crispy, icy-cold hearts of romaine lettuce with Cesar dressing topped with crabmeat. The second night I made a cream of corn and roasted poblano soup topped with crab meat. I had to improvise on the soup. Back in San Miguel, I have a recipe from a cooking class that Ned had gone to. I looked online but none of the recipes seemed exactly right so I took a bit of this one and a bit of that one. It was good but it wasn't as wonderful as Ned's recipe.

For the last bit of my crab, I wanted to replicate the sauce that Goode Company Seafood uses in one of my favorite things on their menu, the Campechana Extra shrimp and crab cocktail. No recipe but that did not stop me. I roasted tomato, green pepper, and onion and then I chopped it up in the blender. Added some catsup, lime juice, jalapeno, salt and pepper, and a little tabasco. It was too thick so the recipe needs some more tweeking. The crab meat was tossed with the sauce and topped with fresh avocado. 

I cleaned my plate. All. Three. Nights. 


  1. I'll have some of each, porfa. You were wise not to post those photos until you've consumed all of the crab, lest more than a few of your readers hunt you down and make you share.

    1. Jennifer, I think it is nice to share but when you only have 16 ounces of crabmeat it might have been difficult to take away my bowl.

  2. Like you, I love crab. But my favorite is Pacific Dungeness. On my last two trips to the Oregon coast, none was available. It was a bit like showing up in Paris and being told that fois gras would no longer be served, but I was welcome to try some fried chicken gizzrds, Instead.

    I hope you enjoy every tineful.

    1. Steve, I like Dungeness crabs too but maybe it is what you grew up eating. That said, I'd never turn down a Dungeness crab.

  3. I am loving crab feast... My husband also love Haitian Food as well as sea food and I will try this for him...
