Sunday, March 31, 2013


Easter....brings back memories of Easter eggs and Easter baskets, chocolate bunnies and three little boys all dressed in their new Sunday suits and shoes. Church. Singing, "Up from the grave he arose with a mighty triumph o'er his foes." Easter egg hunts. Sunday dinner with family. Ham and potato salad. Cakes and pies, maybe homemade ice cream. Boys on a sugar high. Easter was a time of new clothes, white shoes and a new hat. Spring flowers, leaving the old behind, fresh beginnings.

A time to remember Jesus and the resurrection but once I became a Mother I always thought about Mary, his mother who lost her son. This morning on CBS Sunday Morning News there was a segment about how Mary, over the course of three or four centuries, came to be deified although she is hardly mentioned in the Bible except for the birth of Jesus and his crucifixion. I find her statue in most of the Catholic churches I go into. If I could not pray directly to God, I'd pray to Mary. I think she would understand.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful photo and poignant thoughts. Many, many Catholics pray to Mary for "divine intercession". Most little girls make their First Communion in the Month of May which is "Mary's month"......even though I'm no longer a Catholic I find I remember a bunch of stuff!
