Monday, February 1, 2016

In Memoriam of the White Orchid

 The orchid I bought last Fall is going into resting mode and the flowers that have been so lush and beautiful are drying up and dropping off the stem. But even in that state, they are still so beautiful to me. So delicate and fragile. I had to save them so out came the camera. I played with the pinhole lens, the close-up lens, the 90mm f1.8, the 70-200mm 2.8 lens. I played with different arrangements, and depth of field. Black and white and of course color. I made a lot of images and had a great time.

I may have to ask friends to save their dead flowers for me to photograph. I certainly would not be the first photographer to photograph fading flowers but then what hasn't been photographed before.


  1. Beautiful, Billie! And if it's dead flower and plants you need, I think we've cornered the market here at Casa Snyder. We may have to hire a gardener. Let me know if I can supply you with any!

  2. I'm always fascinated about what you choose to photograph and your perspective. Thanks for sharing....
